value. quality care. convenience.
a) Frontal bone.
b) Forehead skin of the supraorbital margin.
c) Lacrymal gland.
d) ocular globe.
e) Os maxilla.
f) Os mandible.
g) m. Superior rectus oculi.
h) m. Inferior rectus oculi.
i) m. Buccinator.
k) Tongue (s. lingula).
l) Mucous membrane of mouth.
m) m. External pterygoid.
n) m. Internal pterygoid.
o) m. Hyoglossus.
p) m. Mylohyoideus.
q) m. Geniohyoideus.
r) m. Stylohyoideus (s. digastricus).
s) Submandibular gland.
t) Sublingual gland.
u) Submandibular duct (Whartonianus ductus).
v) Thyroid gland.
w) Pharynx.
x) m. Sternocleidomastoideus.
y) m. Superior oblique.
z) m. Inferior oblique.
a) m. Rectus capitis posterior major.
b) m. Multifidus spinae.
g) Atlantal transverse process.
d) clavicula.
e) m. supraspinatus.
z) First rib.
h) m. Rhomboideus minor.
q) m. Rhomboideus major.
i) Scapular spine.
k) Spinous process of axis (epistropheus).
l) Spinous process of first thoracic vertebra.
m) Larynx, with m. thyreohyoideus.
1. common carotid artery.
2. external carotid artery.
3. internal carotid artery.
4. thyroid artery.
5. lingual artery.
6. facial artery.
7. submental artery.
8. occipital artery.
9. temporal artery.
10. maxillary artery.
11. posterior superior alveolar artery.
12. oculomotor nerve.
13. ciliary ganglion with
14. ciliary nerves.
15. semilunar ganglion of trigeminal nerve. 曲鬢
16. trigeminal nerve, ophthalmic ramus.
17. trigeminal nerve, maxillary ramus.
18. trigeminal nerve, mandibular ramus.18*. trigeminal nerve, portio minor (s. krotophitico-buccinator nerve. The motor branch of trigeminal nerve may pass throught the sphenoid bone via the crotaphytico-buccinatorius pore if present). 下關
19. frontal nerve.
20. supratrochlear nerve.
21. supraorbital nerve.
22. cutaneous nerve of the cheek.
23. infraorbital nerve.
24. posterior alveolar nerve, buccal branch.
25. posterior alveolar nerve.
26. buccinator nerve.
27. superfician vidian nerve.
28. otic ganglion (s. auriculare).
29. lesser superficial petrosal nerve, nervi tensor tympani.
30. lingual nerve (s. gustatorius).
31. submandibular ganglion.
32. chorda tympani.
33. lingual branch of the lingual nerve.
34. genu of the facial nerve.
35. facial nerve.
36. glossopharyngeal nerve.
37. tympanic nerve (s. Jacobson nerve).
38. carotico-tympanic nerve.
39. vagus nerve. 天容
40. superior laryngeal nerve.
41. gangliform plexus.
42. accessory nerve (of Willisii).
43. hypoglossal nerve.
44. geniohyoid branch of the hypoglossal nerve.
45. cervical nerve II.
46. cervical nerve III.
47. cervical nerve IV.
48. cervical nerve V.
49. cervical nerve VI.
50. cervical nerve VII.
51. greater occipital nerve.
52. dorsal scapular nerve.
53. suprascapular nerve.
54. spinal nerve, dorsal ramus.
55. superior cervical ganglion, sympathetic nerve. 完骨
56. carotid plexus of nerve.