value. quality care. convenience.
craniometric landmarks:
A auriculo-infraorbital plane;
B alveocondylean plane;
1 metopion;
2 ophryon;
3 glabella;
4 nasion; 印堂
5 dacryon;
6 orbital point;
7 malar point;
8 acanthion;
9 prosthion or alveolar point;
11 pogonion;
12 gnathion;
13 coronion;
14 condylion;
15 gonion;
16 mastoidale;
17 auricular point;
18 entomion; at arrow, left; asterion at junction of sutures, right; 腦空
19 external occipital protruberance or inion; 腦戶
20 lambda; 强間
21 obelion; 後頂
22 bregma; 顋會
23 pterion; 頷厭
24 crotaphion;
25 jugal point
The three major branches of the trigeminal nerve—
the ophthalmic nerve (V1),
the maxillary nerve (V2) and
the mandibular nerve (V3), 下關
—converge on the trigeminal ganglion
(also called the semilunar ganglion or gasserian ganglion), 曲鬢
Vagus Nerve 天容